‍Nip burnout in the bud. Eliminate your risk factors and replace them with your best steps to flourishing.

Trade out bad stress for good stress, learn to recover better, and find the best ways not just to survive, but to thrive -‍ for you.

the course

When there's nothing you can drop

You've been kicking goals at work for as long as you can remember, but it's exhausting. You're starting to wonder how much longer you can keep it up. There's so much to be across - team, stakeholders, partner, kids - and it just keeps ramping up. There's not enough time for everything. But what can you possibly drop?

Make meaningful change, for the long term

You want to keep kicking goals, but you also want to enjoy the life those goals were meant to be supporting. And that feels out of reach. You know how to get stuff done for everyone else, but not so much for yourself. You're starting to feel how hard it is to pour from an empty cup. That's showing up not just as fatigue, but also frustration and resentment. It's time to make a change.

You know you're ready

Ready to break out of old patterns? They might have helped you get where you are right now, but they're not going to get you to where you want to be.

by the end of the course you'll have:

  • a clear understanding of your burnout risk factors, and what to do about them
  • your own personal definition of success, based on your own core values
  • clarity on what needs to change so that you can stay true to your own path, while still ticking the boxes that need to get ticked
  • new tools, resources and skills to support new ways of working and recovering
  • a community that's all about support and accountability
  • a comprehensive system that keeps your new habits in place - so you can beat burnout and reorient towards flourishing, with less effort, for good


  Course overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1: basics of burnout, fundamentals of flourishing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: new ways to think about stress
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: the recovery mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: how's your balance? engaging your energy gauge
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5: feedback loops - barriers and enablers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6: bringing it all together - a system for flourishing
Available in days
days after you enroll

choose your enrollment option

Your instructors

We're Helen and Navin, and we'd love to be your guides

We've both been there and worked out how not to go back.

Helen's PhD in psychology didn't save her from burnout as a first-year management consultant. Navin burned so bright in grad school, he changed careers completely after he finished.

Since those early experiences, we've spent close to 20 years successfully doing high-intensity work. Helen stayed in consulting, finally exiting as a Partner to found TANK. Navin jumped from academia into cyber security, and then into start-ups before joining TANK as a co-founder.

To be successful, and to help our teams be successful, we've had to learn how to work differently, and how to take recovery seriously. Now we've packaged up what we've learned into the TANK system. TANK combines the best available research in psychology, psychophysiology and neuroscience with our own observations of what actually works in the real world, and what doesn't.

We've made it our mission to solve the problem we wish we'd had help with years ago: how to fend off burnout while still hitting it out of the park.


Replace burnout with flourishing


Regain control over the few things that really that count


Finish each week with energy to spare